Beyond the bubble, life is brimming with possibilities: culture, art, food, adventure and FUN. We want to break out of our ‘everyday’ and get stuck in to what life is like out there, beyond the daily grind.
Beyond the bubble, life is brimming with possibilities: culture, art, food, adventure and FUN. We want to break out of our ‘everyday’ and get stuck in to what life is like out there, beyond the daily grind.
Welcome to Out of the Bubble hosted by us, Liz Kollias and Natalie Ranki-Goldman. We are both parents, work and run businesses, have children, friends and family and generally wheel around inside our bubble. It’s nice, comfy and predictable in here and can be easy to stay inside the bubble. But we want to go and explore the world around us so come and join us stepping out of our bubble to become more engaged humans.